Monthly Archives: July 2021


Dissertation VS Thesis What is the Difference?

There are various confusions among students about different things. However, in higher education, the most common confusion is the difference between a dissertation and a thesis. Most people use the terms interchangeably. However, it is not accurate as the terms refer to different kinds of academic projects. There are some similarities between both though, yet [...]

By | 2022-11-28T09:18:19+00:00 July 16th, 2021|Academic|0 Comments

A guide to writing your master’s dissertation

Congratulations!! You will soon be a graduate student. We know how exciting it is to wear that long graduation gown and to stand with pride among your classmates having a Master’s degree in your hand. Behind this achievement, there is a great struggle, the struggle of submitting the valuable document, your Master’s dissertation. Your entire [...]

By | 2022-11-28T09:17:30+00:00 July 14th, 2021|Academic|0 Comments

What are the research topics in business management?

Are you a business student and searching for some business management research topics? If yes then you are in the right place. Business management is an important discipline and has a vast scope in today’s environment. However, earning a degree in this profession is quite hard. If you want to beat your competitors and want [...]

By | 2022-11-28T09:15:52+00:00 July 9th, 2021|Academic|0 Comments